

Military Service


Science Policy & Industry


Desert Exploration


Art & Music






  David Nicholas Hall
At the summit of Mont Gréboun (1,944m) Southern Sahara in 1970.
Why a web site?  Our daughters and son-in-law, saying they knew little about 'what I did' in life, asked me to produce a memoir.  Having done that, and never having published much about my journeys in the deserts and through life, I thought a web site would suffice, perhaps with some extracts from the memoir.  So here goes!

: Active service in Korea, Cyprus and the Congo (Zaire).  Commissioned into the Royal Engineers 1955, retiring as Lieutenant Colonel in 1981.

First Director: the Foundation for Science & Technology 1981 - 2000.

Desert explorer: expeditions to and camel journeys in the Libyan Desert, the Sahara and in Oman.

Art and music: As a bass, dabbling in water colours.


Personal: Born 19 Nov 1933. Married Harriet (née McElwee).  Three daughters: Susannah, Phillie and Chrissie, and son-in-law Giles with grandson, Spike.

I have recently started a new interest: cultivating figs.

All photographs on this web site are the copyright of
David N Hall













Second stat counter started 2 Jan 18