

Military service


Science Policy & Industry


Desert Exploration


Art & Music






David Hall on the summit of Mont Gréboun  (1,944m) in the Sahara (Niger) in 1970.  


  Military training expeditions to South East and to South West Libya.

Camel journeys in Niger and Mali, punting from Timbuktu

Camel journeys to complete a compass survey of the northern escarpment of the Hamada el Homra in Tripolitania.

Sandhurst expeditions to South East Libya: Gebel Archenu, & Hamada el Akdamin led by David Hall

The British Air Mountains Expedition 1970 to the Southern Sahara led by David Hall

Participated in surveys and route marking for the Royal Geographical Society's Oman Wahiba Sands Project, led by Nigel Winser.


David Hall formed The Desert Dining Club in 1981.