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Desert Exploration


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  David N Hall lead an expedition from Sandhurst during the summer holiday to south east Libya.  He was doing a tour as a military instructor and took a team of 15, mostly cadets, to Libya for adventure training and exploration of a desert plateau, the Hamada el Akdamin.

The expedition was in the hottest time of the year, so acclimatization was taken with care.



For a full account - an extract from Hall's memoir


On the long journey down to Kufra.  Then 100 miles to Maaten Bisciara and 90 miles on to the southern end of the plateau.

No satellite navigation in 1963!  David Hall preparing the theodolite for night work. 

Taking the altitude of stars for a position fix from at least three satrs.



Final check of the chronometer from the wireless before taking theodolite readings.

Dead reckoning by sun compass - dead on course for Maaten Bisciara.

This natural shelter provided a good navigational aid and a useful dump between the well and the working area.


The first signs of Neolithic man found by the team: a stone circle.

A short wadi leading down from the plateau.

On the plateau looking down over the desert.


A magnificent scraper found on the plateau, probably last used about four thousands of years ago.

Some of the querns, grinders and other Neolithic tools.

Samples of pottery (sadly photographically reversed!)


Professor Martin Williams taking notes of the day's finds.

The south east corner of Hamada el Akdamin.

Over a thousand gallons of water demonstrated heavy rain in the area.


Hamada el Akdamin


Map prepared by Martin Williams